    HomeBreakingInternational Human Rights Session begins today - Foreign Minister to address the...

    International Human Rights Session begins today – Foreign Minister to address the session

    The 51st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council is scheduled to begin today (12) in Geneva, Switzerland.

    A delegation headed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Sabri and Minister of Justice Dr. Wijedasa Rajapaksa is going to join this session representing Sri Lanka.

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs has also planned to address this session today.

    It consists of 47 countries from around the world who are responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights.

    In cases where human rights are violated in a certain country, the problems are discussed and internationally forced to be resolved, as well as the promotion of human rights, existing conditions, etc. by the respective member countries are reviewed annually.

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    1. it’s a bloody Dog eat Dog 🐕 act by The late Queen’s Government & the Commonwealth.
      Late Queen permitted her Goverment to bring Resolution against Sri Lanka a staunch Member of the Commonwealth T the UNHCR.
      Was the late Queen an out & out arrogant Racists to permit Her government to take action against SL?
      Sri Lanka is needed just to make numbers for the Colonial arrogance ?
      Why should SL mourn her death when Queens’s Goverment has trampled SL at the UNHCR to enable Michelle BITCH-ELETE to dictate to a Sovereign Nation who is a member of the Commonwealth ?
      To he’ll with the late Queen, the Crown, Commonwealth & her pompous Goverment

    What do you think?

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