    HomeEnvironmentConstruction work on the 100th herbal garden under the Ministry of Environment's...

    Construction work on the 100th herbal garden under the Ministry of Environment’s Osu Wana Dahasak Program begins

    On the proposal of the Minister of Environment Mahinda Amaraweera, the Ministry of Environment has taken steps to commence the establishment of the 100th Herbal Forest at the Boralesgamuwa Pillawa Temple under the program of establishing “Osu Wana Dahasak ” at religious places island wide.
    Under this “Osu Wana Dahasak ” program, a set of 24 plants of local medicinal value are provided to each religious places and planted. The maintenance of the plants is also the responsibility of the board of trustees or trustees in charge of the religious places.
    The preparation of the 100th Herbal Forest for this program commenced recently at the Pillawa Temple. The Minister planted a rare medicinal plant called Yakinaran plant (Atalantia ceylanica) and started the preparation of the medicine. The Minister also handed over another set of medicinal plants to Ven. Polonnaruwa Seelananda Thero and Ven. Gonapinuwala Chandraratana Thero.
    The Minister who expressed his views-
    Every living creatures needs 550 liters of oxygen a day. In terms of weight, one person living in the world needs 2.3 kilograms of oxygen per day. The oxygen we need to live is produced by the ocean and the vegetation around us.


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