It has been decided to temporarily close Uttarananda Mawatha, Perahera Mawatha and Navam Mawatha in Kollupitiya and Kompannavidiya police domains under 3 phases from today (05).
The police mentioned that the roads will be closed due to the construction of the tunnels for an underground pipeline that is supposed to connect the port city of Colombo to the discharge of waste water.
Accordingly, the section from Uttarananda Mawatha, Navam Mawatha to the railway crossing will be closed from today to the 19th of February.
The section from Uttarananda Mawatha, Perahara Mawatha to Navam Mawatha will be closed from the 20th to the 4th of March,
The section up to Uttarananda Mawatha, Perahara Mawatha, and Rotunda Garden Junction will be temporarily closed from today till March 11th.
Police are asking people to use alternative routes on these days.