    HomeBreakingElection Commission sent a letter to IGP reminding the limits of Police

    Election Commission sent a letter to IGP reminding the limits of Police

    The Elections Commission has sent a letter to the IGP stating that the police are not capable of obstructing or abusing the law of a political party that is acting peacefully and democratically.

    Responding to a complaint sent to the Election Commission by the Frontline Socialist Party the commission has sent the letter to IGP CD Wickramaratne.

    A complaint was lodged with the Elections Commission recently alleging that activists of the Frontline Socialist Party were being arrested and that the police were frequently obstructing the party’s political activities.

    In response to the complaint, an Election Commission has sent a letter to the IGP stating that the Constitution allows a political party to conduct political activities peacefully and democratically.

    The letter sent to the IGP by the Elections Commission states that there is no obstacle for a political party to criticize the government.

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