The Committee on Parliamentary Affairs which met yesterday (28) has decided to convene the Parliament for two days on 02nd and 03rd of next month.
Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena recently requested Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena to convene Parliament in accordance with Standing Orders 16 to pass the proposals for the implementation of foreign debt restructuring agreements.
The Committee on Parliamentary Affairs met yesterday under the chairmanship of the Speaker to discuss the matter.
The main organizer of the opposition, Member of Parliament Mr. Lakshman Kiriella has requested for a two-day debate on the proposals for the implementation of the foreign debt restructuring agreements, and the main organizer of the ruling party, Minister Prasanna Ranatunga has expressed his agreement for the debate.
Since this proposal is an important proposal for the country, Mr. Kiriella has opposed the proposal made by Member of Parliament MA Sumanthiran that the standing orders should be suspended or the proposal should be discussed.