    HomeCOVID 19Belgium Woman died after infecting with 02 Covid Variants

    Belgium Woman died after infecting with 02 Covid Variants

    A news reported about a 90-year-old woman in Belgium who has died after infecting two strains of Covid at the same time.

    Investigations have revealed that the Belgian woman, who died last March, had infected with both Britain’s Alpha and South Africa’s Beta Covid strains at the same time.

    She was a non-vaccinated woman who had been living alone in her home and receiving nursing care. It is suspected that she may have infected with the two strains of the virus from two people who came to her for care or assistance.

    However, her oxygen level was said to be in good condition. But she died within 5 days of being hospitalized.

    Health experts point out that it is extremely rare for a person to be infected with two strains of the Covid virus at the same time and that this is the first time that two strains of the Covid virus have been infected at the same time.

    Last January, a study by Brazilian scientists revealed that two people had been infected with two strains of the virus. But the study report has not yet been published.

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