President Ranil Wickramasinghe said that the new law to restructure the economy will be brought in next May.
He mentioned that the agreement with the International Monetary Fund will be legalized and the concession will be given to the country.
Also, the President says that he is negotiating to extend the period of payment of Sri Lanka’s foreign debt until 2042 and to withdraw part of those debts.
He said that the government has now embarked on the journey of building a prosperous Sri Lanka by 2048 with transformative change.
The President also emphasized that the program for the future of the country should not be forgotten by drowning in slogans and arguments.
President Ranil Wickramasinghe said this while attending the “Magen Patan Gamu” Anuradhapura District Youth Conference yesterday (06) afternoon.
The youth of Anuradhapura district participated in this conference held at the Koombichchankulama lake, and they presented many of their problems to the President.
The President worked to provide solutions to many of those problems on the spot and instructed the officers to take steps to solve other problems.
Answering a question that was raised here, the President mentioned that he will not allow life to fail just because of the certificate of the examination department.
He said that in the developing Sri Lanka, many job opportunities are expected to be opened up for the youth in the future.
The President also said that in the future, thirteen years of education will not be stopped in the middle.
The President informed the youth about the reform program to strengthen the country’s economy.
The President also pointed out that the government has the program to empower the youth of the country with modern technology and contribute directly to the country’s economy.