    HomeLocal News03 including Matara Pradeshiya Sabha chairman produced before the court for an...

    03 including Matara Pradeshiya Sabha chairman produced before the court for an arson

    The Chairman of the Matara Pradeshiya Sabha Wimal Priyajanaka, his son, and another person who surrendered to the Matara Police Headquarters while being arrested on suspicion of setting a house on fire have been released on two sureties of Rs. 1 million each after being produced before the Matara Magistrate’s Court today.

    They had set fire to a house in Kekanadurra, Matara. That was on the 14th of March.

    A senior police officer said a dispute over the chairman’s daughter has led to the arson and the fire had started when the police were looking to arrest a youth living in the house.

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