    HomeBreakingThe new SLC constitution will solve cricket problems

    The new SLC constitution will solve cricket problems

    The government has taken steps to prepare a bill for the formal adoption and implementation of the proposed new Sri Lanka Cricket Constitution.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the joint proposal submitted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Power and Energy, the Minister of Labor and Foreign Employment and the Minister of Public Security to advise a draft law for that purpose.

    The President had arranged to appoint a committee to study the issues facing Sri Lanka Cricket and submit recommendations to the Cabinet.

    A committee headed by retired Supreme Court Judge KT Chitrasiri was appointed to draft a new constitution for Sri Lanka Cricket in accordance with the recommendations of the report of the Cabinet Sub-Committee chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

    Accordingly, the committee has drafted the new constitution for Sri Lanka Cricket.

    The Cabinet of Ministers has given approval for the activities related to the adoption of the new constitution.


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