    HomeBreakingThe French ambassador to Sri Lanka died in bed

    The French ambassador to Sri Lanka died in bed

    The French Ambassador to this country Mr. Jean-François Pactet has passed away today.

    When the French ambassador did not come out of his room at the official residence in Colombo today as usual, the employees came to know that he was dead on his bed.

    Police Media Spokesperson Mr. Nihal Thaladuwa says that it will be possible to find out the exact cause of death after a post-mortem examination.

    Police officers including Scene of Crime Officers (SOCO’s) have investigated the death, but nothing suspicious has been revealed.

    Therefore, this death is not a criminal incident, said the police media spokesperson.

    The ambassador’s funeral will be announced later, the embassy said.

    He worked as the French Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives from October 2022.

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