    HomeForeign NewsAnother rough decision from the Taliban regime - Women are banned from...

    Another rough decision from the Taliban regime – Women are banned from universities

    Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers have banned women from university education across the country.

    International accuses hard-line Islamists of continuing to crush women’s right to education and freedom.

    A letter signed by the Minister of Higher Education, Neda Mohammad Nadeem, mentioning, “We would like to inform all of you to immediately implement the said order of suspending women’s education until further notice.” has been issued to all public and private universities.

    Despite promising no strict control when the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan last year, the Taliban has continued to impose restrictions on all aspects of women’s lives, ignoring international opposition.

    “The Taliban cannot hope to become a legitimate member of the international community until the rights of everyone in Afghanistan are respected. This decision will have consequences for the Taliban,” said Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a statement.

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres was “deeply disturbed” by the ban, his spokesman said on Tuesday.

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