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Precautions and Hygiene Measures to Safeguard Against Eye Infection


The Health Promotion Bureau advises the public, especially parents and school children, to be vigilant about a viral eye infection that is increasingly prevalent among students. Termed “viral conjunctivitis” or simply “eye disease,” it affects the outermost membrane of the eye’s white area. The infection typically starts in one eye and may spread to the other. This ailment is transmitted through direct contact with the infected person’s tears or respiratory secretions, as well as by touching the eyes with unclean hands or surfaces containing droplets from an infected individual.

The most common symptoms include “white squint,” redness, swelling, excessive tearing, a sensation of a foreign object in the eye, pus or secretions discharge, and crusting around the eyelids, particularly upon waking. People wearing contact lenses might find it challenging to use them during infection. Some individuals might experience respiratory symptoms resembling colds or the flu.

To contain the spread of the disease, it is essential to advise children with symptoms to avoid touching and rubbing their eyes. Frequent and thorough handwashing with soap for more than 20 seconds or using an antiseptic solution is crucial. Staying away from school and remaining at home from the onset of symptoms until full recovery significantly aids disease prevention.

Seeking medical advice or treatment is important because similar symptoms could be due to various other reasons. Encouraging children to maintain clean hands, practice physical distancing from symptomatic individuals, and avoid sharing items like pens and pencils is key to preventing infection. Additionally, disinfecting frequently used surfaces with disinfectant liquids can be beneficial, similar to measures taken during the recent COVID epidemic.

Viral conjunctivitis is generally a curable condition without severe side effects for most individuals. However, parents and adults are urged to act swiftly to address potential complications and disruptions to students’ education caused by its rapid transmission. Early intervention is vital to ensuring the well-being of children and the uninterrupted continuation of their studies.


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