Home Local News More polythene products are added to the banned list – Cabinet papers...

More polythene products are added to the banned list – Cabinet papers to be submitted next week


Less than 400ml plastic bottles, plastic cups, all lunch sheets, and Artificial grass mats will be added to the list of banned plastic and polythene products – Cabinet papers to be submitted to the Cabinet next week.

Minister of Environment Mahinda Amaraweera says that the Ministry of Environment has decided to add several more such products to the list of banned plastics and polythene products.

A discussion was held in this regard yesterday (16) and the products included in the list are as follows.

I. Single use straws and stirrers
II. Single use spoons, forks, knives including yogurt spoons
III. silli silli Bags, shopping bags, grocery bags of less than 10 (w) x5 (G) x17 (H) inch made of plastic or polythene.
IV. Plastic string hopper trays
V. packing of incenses sticks and wicks using polythene material
VI. Plastic Garlands
VII. Plastic Cups
VIII. Artificial Grass mat

Although it was earlier decided to ban lunch sheets, the decision was not implemented for various reasons. But the environment minister said he had decided to re-implement the decision.

Measures have also been taken to ban plastic bottles made of less than 400 ml.

The decision to ban artificial grass mats, which are common in various hotels and restaurants, as well as in some religious places, was made despite the potential for them to quickly turn into microplastics and the ability to grow natural grasses. The Minister further stated that the use is causing great harm to the environment.

We can easily grow some natural grass. Also, no one is harmed by being trampled on the ground. Experts have even concluded that it is best to walk on the ground at least a few times a day for a healthy life. None of us know but the greatest doctor in the world is the earth. People who live with the earth are less likely to get sick. Therefore, even in a place of worship, it is not advisable to use these artificial grass coverings in the yard.


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