    HomeBreakingDespite the Objections, The ETCA Agreement is Progressing

    Despite the Objections, The ETCA Agreement is Progressing

    The Sub-Committee on Conflict Resolution and Final Arrangements is scheduled to hold a discussion in New Delhi later this month on the proposed Indo-Lanka Economic and Technological Cooperation Agreement (ETCA).

    The 14th round of negotiations on the proposed agreement is scheduled for the first week of next month.

    Regarding this agreement, the 13th round of negotiations was held in New Delhi from 08th to 10th of January.

    There, “Trade in Goods”, “Preliminaries, General Provisions and General Exceptions”, “Trade in Services”, “Rules of Origin”, “Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation”, “Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures”, “Technical Barriers to Trade” ”, “Trade Queries” and “Economic and Technical Cooperation” have been held by the nine sub-committees.

    The Cabinet Office said that the Cabinet took into account the information presented by the President regarding the current status of the proposed Indo-Lanka Economic and Technological Cooperation Agreement.

    Certain political parties, politicians, civil organizations, trade unions etc. are protesting this agreement.


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