
Another Motion of No Confidence Against Keheliya

By Sahan Rathanasekara

February 03, 2024

The Samagi Jana Balawega is preparing to bring a new motion of no confidence against Environment Minister Keheliya Rambukwella.

The party’s Member of Parliament Dr. Kavinda Jayawardene says that SJB will not stop the new vote of confidence to remove him from the position of Environment Minister.

“We clearly knew that this was the end of the journey of the former health minister Keheliya Rambukwella. The no-confidence resolution that we brought then has become a practical reality today.

The former health minister is currently a cabinet minister. He is the Cabinet Minister for Environment. You know that health and the environment in this country is an essential source for us to live. In this country, the animals should live and the trees should have leaves for the creatures to live. If the trees in this country are cut, the forests are destroyed and the springs are destroyed, we will not have an environment in which we can live. Therefore, Keheliya Rambukwella can no longer be allowed to depend on the wealth and resources of this country as well as the money of taxpayers.

As soon as you read the charge sheet, you understand that he is no longer fit to work as a minister. Therefore, as the opposition led by the Samagi Jana Balawegaya, we will definitely bring a no-confidence motion against him.” Member of Parliament Kavinda Jayawardena also said.

The minister, who was accused of importing a stock of substandard vaccines, has now been arrested by the Criminal Investigation Department and remanded in custody after being presented to the court.

Samagi Jana Balawega brought a motion of no confidence against Mr. Keheliya Rambukwella, who held the position of Minister of Health at the time of the aforementioned vaccine incident.

Accusing the Minister of Health of being responsible for the collapse of the health sector and the sudden deaths of several people who took medicine in various hospitals on the island those days.

But the motion of no confidence was defeated in Parliament by 40 votes.

There, 113 votes were received against the no-confidence motion and only 73 votes were received in favor.

However, Mr. Keheliya Rambukwella, who lost the no-confidence motion and remained in the position of Minister of Health, lost the position of Minister of Health after about a month and was given the position of Minister of Environment.