
Here’s the bus and train plan for the GCE A/L examination

By Sahan Rathanasekara

January 22, 2023

A special transport plan for the A/L examination will be implemented from tomorrow.

According to the Director General of the National Transport Commission, Dr. Nilan Miranda, the authorities have been instructed that all the Sisusarya buses operating across the country should run ‘even if there is one child’ until the end of the A/L examination starting from tomorrow.

Also, he emphasized that although previously only the students and teachers could travel in Sisusarya buses, from tomorrow, the parents of those students going to the A/L examination centers and the examination center staffs have also been facilitated to travel in Sisusariya buses.

There are 1617 buses for students across the island. There are 698 buses owned by SLTB and 91 private buses.

Mr. Miranda also said that earlier, a subsidy of Rs. 88 per kilometer was given for students, which has increased to Rs. 105 from this month.

The National Transport Commission also requests all buses and transport services outside Sisusariya to pay attention to their transport activities on these days.

Meanwhile, Railway Department’s Deputy Traffic Superintendent N.G. Idipolage said a train schedule is also in place during the 22-day period of the A/L examination.

Accordingly, it has been decided to re-run almost all of the trains on the A/L examination days that were canceled between 7 am and 5 pm in the last few days.

Accordingly, 12 trains on the main route and 04 trains on the coastal route as 16 train journeys will run for the convenience of the students appearing for the A/L examination.

Current trains will run as usual.

The GCE Advanced level examination will be held from tomorrow (23rd) to February 17th.

331709 students will face it in 2200 examination centers across the island.