
Hundreds of employees are leaving Twitter – All offices are closing

By Sahan Rathanasekara

November 18, 2022

According to foreign reports, after the acquisition of Twitter, the world’s most popular social network, by one of the richest people in the world, Elon Musk, hundreds of its remaining employees is resigning from the company.

All the offices belonging to the Twitter company have been closed and the employees have been informed that the offices will be reopened next Monday.

After Elon Musk bought Twitter, nearly half of its employees from top to bottom were fired.

Moreover, in a recent email message, the remaining employees have been informed that they should work harder and harder to recover the company.

Also that they should work more hours a day and employees who do not agree to that can leave with 3 months salary.

Meanwhile, Twitter’s current state of turmoil has caught the attention of US government regulators.

The country’s Federal Trade Commission said last week that it is “monitoring the emerging circumstances of Twitter with close attention.”

Twitter itself had about only 2,900 employees left before the end of the day yesterday.

When Elon Musk took over Twitter, it had a 7,500-person workforce.

Then about half of them were informally dismissed.

‘I don’t push the button. But Twitter 1.0 ends here. After announcing Musk’s latest ‘Twitter 2.0’ policy to employees, there have been a flurry of resignations.

Remaining and departing Twitter employees said that given the scale of this week’s resignations, they expect the Twitter platform to begin collapsing soon.