
Promotional activities for the GCE A/L Exam will be banned after midnight today

By Sahan Rathanasekara

February 01, 2022

Commissioner General of Examinations L. M. D. Dharmasena said the promotional activities for the GCE Advanced Level Examination will be banned after midnight today (1),

Accordingly, tuition classes, seminars, religious programs, or any other promotional activities related to the GCE Advanced Level examination are prohibited, he said.

The Commissioner General of Examinations said that those who commit such acts will be punished under the Examinations Act.

The GCE Advanced Level Examination will be held from February 7 to March 5. Meanwhile, the Commissioner-General of Examinations stated that A / L examination centers will be set up in 29 hospitals. Covid infected students can sit for the examination from the examination centers located in those hospitals.